
Photo What is the ideal wedding proposal? Is bigger better or is just a simple romantic gesture enough?

What is the ideal wedding proposal? Is bigger better or is just a simple romantic gesture enough?

What’s the perfect proposal? Do flash mobs and massive gestures say more or are the best proposals  just  romantic and well thought out.

It seems everyday we are getting more and more glamorous and over the top proposals being posted to YouTube and on news channel.Is this trend the way forward or are we loosing touch with the basics and the gesture of dropping to one knee and making the proposal speak for itself?

Is bigger better?

Some would argue that with YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook the bigger the proposal the better and it shows your fiancée that you really thought it through and wanted it to be the biggest and best proposal ever seen! This does not have to be the case. Knowing your fiancée and having the little touches that mean a lot to her will speak volumes and will never be expressed in a dance move by a flash mob, unless that is her thing! There does seem to be more and more of an expectation with diamond sizes and proposals that bigger is better, this is not always the case. The MOST important part of any of these decisions, whether it’s the ring or the proposal is knowing your fiancée and what will make her the happiest girl on earth when it happens.

The proposal should be everything she has ever dreamt of, not what you think is cool!

The answer should be fairly obvious to you, if she is one that shy’s away from public displays and does not like to be in the limelight, then a flash mob in a public place is probably not the best idea. That said, if you go for the less dramatic it does not mean that a few careful, well thought out ideas won’t go unnoticed! Little things can make all the difference. If she is very family oriented then make sure they are close by or waiting in a nearby restaurant or bar so you can then have your moment just the two of you but then surprising her with family there to help you celebrate. Also remember that after your engagement, you will want to call all your family if they are not near by, make sure you plan all of these little things so that it flows perfectly on the day.

Make sure that when you decide to propose its the most intimate and romantic proposal that is suited to both of you, don’t be pressured by social expectations to do a big over the top proposal when it’s the gesture and the fact you are asking your partner to spend the rest of your lives together. That statement there should do all the talking.



Elaborate proposals do not have to cost lots of money.

If your thinking of doing a little extra and making your proposal a little more elaborate it does not have to cost you an arm and leg!

Here are some of our top tips for a romantic New York proposal.

1: Pic-nic in Central Park, we can help organize, plan and deliver a traditional english pic-nic, set up and ready and for you in Central Park. We are partnered with Tea and Sympathy in New York and they will pack, deliver and have your pic-nic full of English goodies set up at a location of your choice ready and waiting for you! If you want to go a little more you can even be picked up and dropped off by a London black cab!

2: Gondola ride in Central Park lake, this beautiful back drop and romantic setting is a very affordable and romantic way to “pop the question”. Finish off your amazing surprise proposal with champagne at the bar afterwards!

3: Metropolitan Museum Roof top bar, this spectacular roof top bar over looking the tree tops of Central Park is a gorgeous setting for your proposal.

If you would like any more information on any of these ideas or help planning any of your proposal needs please contact us.

If you do want to organize a flash mob or a big elaborate proposal here are some of the best we have done in the past!

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