Rob and Catherine’s amazing New York weekend Paparazzi Proposal.
Rob planned the ultimate rockstar weekend for their Christmas getaway!
Rob and Catherine flew in from London for a weekend of shopping, food, drinks and one very important question and we were there to capture it all.
The couples amazing weekend started with some serious shopping in SoHo with our sneaky snapper capturing the whole thing, after strolling through the west village the couple ended up at Pastis for a spot of lunch. Next on the list was a private horse drawn carriage ride around Central Park which finished at Bethesda Fountain, along the path to Bow Bridge we had laid out a blanket with some beautiful flowers provided by NYC Farm Chic Flowers, champagne and some yummy chocs by Godiva and their favorite song being played by the amazing guys from 45 Riots!
After the proposal we spent some time doing beautiful portrait session around Central Park. The following day the couple went to a Knicks Game at Madison Square Gardens and we met up afterwards to capture them as they went Ice Skating at Rockefeller in the snow!
You can view the whole album of pictures here