NYC Proposal Ideas: Omar’s Paper Crane Picnic Engagement
Paper cranes played a big role in Omar and Eli’s relationship. Three years ago, Omar handed Eli a beautifully folded cranes with the question, “Will you be my girlfriend?” Written on its wings.
On a recent trip to NYC from Mexico city, over a gorgeous picnic, he presented her with another paper crane, this time with a stunning engagement ring nestled between its blue wings!
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We caught up with Omar and Eli to hear the story behind Omar’s creative engagement! They shared their touching love story with us— from the first time they met in college, to that incredible moment she said, “Yes!”
1. How and when did you guys meet?
Omar: Back in 2008, I had a job at the promotion and public relations department of the university we both studied in, and I noticed Eli since the first time she walked into our office to apply for an internship. When she got in, I told my colleagues that I wanted her on my team, and I even set up a short trip to a college fair in the hopes of getting to know her better. Sadly, she fell asleep the whole way on that trip and I ended up chatting with the driver instead.
Eli: I knew, as everybody else, that Omar was interested, but I had a boyfriend and it was an on and on-and-off relationship. Still, we had a lot of chemistry from the start and we grew quite close. He did all sorts of things to be closer to me, like ask me out to dance in our boss’s wedding (something we both need practice in to this day), exchange Secret Santa names so he would get to give me a gift at the Christmas gift swap, and he even used his employee vouchers to buy me lunch a few times. He was very careful not to get too enthusiastic as to scare me away or get friend-zoned, and we remained distant but cherished friends for four years, even though Omar wasn’t working at the university anymore for most of that time.
Omar: In 2012, I got word that finally the other guy was out of the picture, so I looked for a way to approach Eli again. We started going out very casually in May. In July I invited her to a concert, where we had our first kiss, and in August I asked her to be my girlfriend. We had just finished a 5k race and I took out a cardboard medicine box from my pocket. I handed it to Eli and told her to take one ’cause it would make her feel better. Instead, there was an origami crane that I had made, and on its wings it said “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Eli: Cranes have had an ever-growing role in our relationship. The crane is a very mystical and holy creature in Japanese culture, believed to live up to 1,000 years. They are also symbols of peace and luck. I have true love, incredible luck, my own silver jewelry set featuring cranes, a pair of crane earrings made from hand-painted Japanese origami paper, and a beautiful ring on my hand! Now for the wedding, Omar is hand-making one thousand paper cranes, in accordance to a legend that says that anyone who folds one thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish. The legend even says I can’t help him, but he’s already got 250. This is a gift that complements our engagement and shows our desire to make our love last forever.
2. What was the first thing that attracted you to one another?
Eli: For me it was his eyes and his sense of humor. He has very deep, expressive, soulful eyes, and he was famous at the office for his one-liners.
Omar: I was very attracted to Eli’s beautiful light brown eyes, and to her cheerful, easygoing and laid-back attitude. And I can’t deny that to me she just looked absolutely gorgeous from the start!
3. When did you know that they were the one?
Eli: It so happens that the first time that Omar came to my house to meet my parents we ordered Chinese food, and when we opened our fortune cookies there was no fortune on mine. Omar’s cookie, on the other hand, had two fortunes, so he gave me one. It says: “You will know true love and peace of heart.” So it was written in the stars, or in the fortune cookie! I still keep that little piece of paper. Truly, that day I saw him chatting with my parents and I thought he fit in seamlessly. Even though we watched an awful movie I felt so content and at ease with him, that I distinctly remember that, as we were eating, I thought “I really like this man.”
Omar: I think it happened very early on in our relationship. As I got to know her better and I learned how much she likes to help others, how concerned she is for a total stranger’s well-being (for example, going out of her way to feed homeless people), I was amazed by her good heart. I felt that she loved me deeply and honestly and I knew that that this was the woman I wanted by my side for the rest of my life.
4. Why did you choose to propose where you did?
Omar: Because we had already enjoyed picnics, and I know that what she loves the most is having private, laid-back dates, the sort of outings where you have the chance to talk, enjoy a view and just hold each other. As I researched further and saw the beautiful and romantic sceneries such as Bow Bridge and Cherry Hill, I knew that Central Park was the place.
5. Did anyone help you plan the proposal?
Omar: Nobody else. I only relied on Paparazzi Proposals!
6. Where did you purchase the ring?
Omar: Many months before I proposed, I bought the ring at a big wholesaler in San Francisco. I was just waiting for the right occasion, but I knew she was the one, so I kept the ring for over a year!
Omar had the perfect romantic New York evening planned! After the Paparazzi Proposals cameras stopped rolling, the pair went on to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway before heading to dinner at a French restaurant he had carefully selected for the occasion!
See more photos from their romantic proposal!
He had one more surprise in store: a late-night trip to the top of the Empire State Building, to take in the view of the city lights by night! They commemorated the trip by purchasing their first Christmas ornament as a newly engaged couple, to hang on the tree during the holidays!
Does Omar’s proposal have you inspired to start planning your own picture-perfect NYC marriage proposal? Don’t forget to contact us today for a free consultation with our proposal planning team! We specialize in surprise engagement photography, capturing that once in a lifetime moment to remember for years to come with gorgeous photos!
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