Matthew and Michelle met in the summer of 2007 through a mutual friend, who had an epiphany one day and thought that they would make a great couple. They talked a little before actually meeting in person, and eventually met face-to-face outside of a pizza place one afternoon before Matt headed into the city that evening to see a band. “We ended up talking for so long that Matt missed the train to the city, but he obviously didn’t mind.”
Michelle was drawn to Matthew’s confidence and smile. “He has the most amazing smile that you can’t help but to be filled with warmth and happiness when you see it. He can light up a whole room and my whole heart just by himself and giving a big grin!”
Matthew purchased the diamond from Ritani, and had it set in a custom setting from London Jewelers in Manhasset, NY.
Michelle has always wanted to have a picnic at Central Park, but Matthew always partially blew it off, partly because he’s not the best organizer, and partly because he wanted to save it for a special day. Also, in high school and college he played and sang in bands, but never really sang to Michelle. She always would ask him to sing for her, but he never would out of embarrassment. The proposal was the perfect opportunity to give her both things she’s been asking for, for so long (and a diamond ring).